Melinda England Pics, XLPaws, MySpace Page Get Her in Trouble ... But Let's Pray the Witch Hunt Stops...

12:51 PM Posted by Paris David

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    Melinda England Myspace pics are getting her in trouble, but I feel more sorry for the teacher right now.

    I'm a parent, but from what I've read about Melinda England and her not-really-nude MySpace pics, she seems like a fine girl.

    The "meds" that Melinda England wrote about is prednisone to treat an existing condition.

    I agree that we should be more concerned about whichever of Melinda England's students were kicking, hitting, scratching and biting the 28-year-old.

    God bless teachers!

    I found a cache of Melinda England's blog (not the MySpace page, can't find that one) but her livejournal postings listed below.

    Looks like Melinda England's MySpace and XLPaws entries have been deleted.

    I say, as long as the students are well and cared-for, let's give this young lady a break and practice the kind of forgiveness that Jesus forgives us for every day!

    I could've written some of this stuff myself when I was younger -- heck, I was just lamenting the same kind of loneliness and sad thoughts to God mere seconds ago.

    Hopefully Melinda England now realizes there is One who is "addicted" to her and loves her beyond measure and will see her thru this fiery trial...

    [ mood | optimistic ]

    So I met someone.
    Not sure what will happen- there are some complications to the whole situation. But I do have feelings for him, and he seems to have them for me.
    I have butterflies and cannot wait to spend more time with him.
    It's kinda weird actually.
    Didn't think I'd feel that way for anyone. But again--complications suck, and may keep us apart. Will definitely keep us from seeing each other as often as we'd like...
    So we will shall wait and see
    and try not to get my hopes up
    this may be nothing...

    [ mood | loved ]

    Can she taste me on your lips
    smell me on your skin
    will she know where you've been
    see a different look in your eye
    sense that your hands
    have been caressing my skin
    maybe she will know
    where you have lain
    while she was gone
    or will she ignore the facts
    like she has ignored your needs
    neglected your love
    rejected your touch
    as she has done
    for far too long

    [ mood | lonely ]

    Some days I want to be left alone
    I have always been independent
    Lately though I find myself
    Longing to be held
    Just to have someone near
    To feel their breath on my skin
    The warmth of their touch
    I'm tired of looking
    Tired of the wrong ones
    Tired of being walked on
    Treated like a door mat
    Expected to be what I'm not
    Told what I don't want to hear
    Again and again
    I just want someone here
    Close to me

    Does anyone read this journal? Just curious, I just post some random thoughts on here now and then, leave me a comment if you're reading-- just so I know...

    [ mood | cynical ]

    It is way too late
    I should have been asleep hours ago
    lonely and cold
    the story of my life
    i have a friend coming to see me
    tomorrow, i hope
    technically today
    it will be good
    I just need to be held
    by someone real
    who tells me the truth
    tells me things that they mean
    no more falsities
    no more cold lies
    do not ever tell me what you think
    i want to hear if it's not what you mean
    to say
    shut up

    [ mood | ready to go home ]

    I want to be wanted
    dreamed of at night
    I want to be noticed
    to be missed when I'm gone
    it's not much
    that I need to feel real
    if I can even feel that way again
    your words are smooth
    sliding over me like your hands

    ...random thoughts...

    you know that feeling when you first meet someone and you are consumed by them, you get butterflies thinking of them, and so excited when the phone rings. To you they could do no wrong, only right. When everything is perfect. How awesome would that be to find someone to feel that way for forever?

    [ mood | contemplative ]

    This could be good
    I want to feel again
    Few people know I'm here
    I am rarely noticed anyway
    Lonely & Tired
    Just waiting...

    About (Melinda England) Me

    “What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction.”


  1. Anonymous said...

    This is pretty sad I hope she doesn't get fired. She hasn't done anything wrong.