Can't Edit Blogger Posts? Disappear on you? Set "Show Compose Mode" to No

10:17 AM Posted by Paris David

Read the amazing journey:

  • Many sex partners
  • Several abortions
  • But only One Savior
  • Visit the author page of Paula Neal Mooney on Amazon Trying to edit your Blogger post but it keeps disappearing? To fix it in Blogger / Blogspot, go to the "Settings" tab and down at the bottom, under "Global Settings (Applies to all of your blogs.)" option, change "Show Compose Mode for all your blogs?" to "No".

    This will give you only the HTML type window to type your blog posts in, but you can still Preview them in the WYSIWYG mode to see what they'll look like before republishing them.

    Happy Blogger Blogging!


  1. Ahermitt said...

    Thank you I ran across this a week or so ago, and today I needed it. Worked like a charm.. thanks!

  2. Anonymous said...

    This was driving me NUTS! Thanks!