Thursday, March 13, 2025


1:33 PM Posted by Paris David

Read the amazing journey:

  • Many sex partners
  • Several abortions
  • But only One Savior
  • Visit the author page of Paula Neal Mooney on Amazon by Paula Neal Mooney

    Ever visited a site, tried to leave a comment, but got this weird message:

    your_ip_is_blacklisted_by gives this explanation as to why this might be happening:

    When I attempted to post a comment on , I was given the message 'your_ip_is_blacklisted_by'. This might a symptom of one of those lazy admins that has blacklisted the entire LACNIC region, thus censoring commentary from an entire continent. I'm getting tired of seeing it and consider it rude. Why not just block me from viewing your site too?

    Comment follows:

    I think a large part of it is also that so many of these companies missed the first wave of the blogosphere and they are very sensitive about that. The blogosphere started off at about the same size, but now even traditional media (television, newspaper, etc.) quotes weblogs.

    So a lot of this is, perhaps, wanting to be able to be in the first wave. The rationalizations around it may simply be rationalizations. To further make it more interesting, it's relatively low cost to experiment with and they can get their demographics into SecondLife on free accounts to 'look at their stuff'.

    The value of SL to a business is really a matter of what a business expects from SL. Most of the cultural rifts between newcomers and established SecondLife presences seem to be the manner in which the newcomers try to attract their demographic. Partnerships with in world businesses should probably be discussed and encouraged. ;-)

    Not to mention a feedback mechanism for people whose IP ranges are blacklisted. Booyah.

    You might want to shoot the webmaster a message -- or, if that's you, check your site to make sure too many people aren't blocked from comments!