Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Why Can't I Log Into Blogger? Your Blogger Issues Resolved!

10:01 AM Posted by Paris David

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    Why Can't I Log Into Blogger?

    That's the question 655 people asked search engines in February 2007.

    I had the same problems logging into Blogger, it would hang and hang and hang both in my IE browser, on AOL and on SBC Yahoo!

    Only when I download the free Mozilla Firefox broswer from Google were my Blogger problems resolved.

    So to answer your Why Can't I Log Into Blogger? question, the answer is most likely your slower browser. Click here to download Firefox for free:Browse the Web Faster. Get Firefox With Google Toolbar and see if that solves your problems logging on to Blogger.

    It solved mine!

    I love Mozilla so much, it not only logs me onto Blogger now with no problem, it actually remembers my password and takes me directly to my Blogger dashboard to post a new post without problems!

    I gotta tell you all how much I'm lovin' the Mozilla Firefox I finally downloaded the other day.

    My sweet hubby wiped our PC clean because the virus attacks had messed it up to the point where I couldn't check my AOL email in certain places, and a bunch of other problems.

    I'd heard people talking about Firefox, but being a creature slow to change sometimes, I stuck with my trusty IE and SBC Yahoo browsers.

    But after the change, I couldn't even post a blog post! I couldn't see the preview tab, there was all this drama, so I searched around on my friends' blogs to try and find Firefox to download, but I was amazed at how many of them didn't have it listed so I couldn't give them the dollar for it.

    Anyhoo, I found the Mozilla Firefox banner on some stranger's blog and downloaded it. I love it!

    *** I was able to preview my blog posts and publish them just fine...

    *** Mozilla Firefox actually remembers the various passwords that I tell it to, so my workday is a lot more proficient now...

    *** I can actually log in to Blogger much faster, right thru my blog, and not by only leaving comments on other Blogger blogs first like I was doing when Blogger would just hang and hang and hang at the login screen..

    *** I can check my Google Adsense account a lot faster without that hanging, too...

    So, for all these good reasons, I feel especially great to tell everybody to Browse the Web Faster. Get Firefox With Google Toolbar and promote it on your blogs so you can get paid for it!

    And check back tomorrow, or, better yet,
    please subscribe for updates now and again
    so you won't miss tomorrow's post. It's gonna be good, God willing.