Nuffnang: How much money have you made?
12:51 PM Posted by Paris David
Read the amazing journey:
- Many sex partners
- Several abortions
- But only One Savior

Nuffnang, nuffnang, nuffnang.
The international blogosphere is up in arms over nuffnang.
Alas, us Americans can't get in on the Nuffnang deal, but read here to see how much Malaysians have made already using Nuffnang:
Updates on Local Ad Networks: Nuffnang and Advertlets
9 hours ago by hongkiat After one week or so of putting up the Nuffnang ad (top right), earning figures are now showing up on my members account (Thanks for tipping, Cely). I’m earning RM140.45 ($40 usd) / week with one ad unit. This gives me an extra RM560 ... - [ More results from ] |
1 hour ago by BLuEaPpLE Humble blogs like mine have tough chances getting an ad... Nevermind. I added another ad space (look up). Hopefully someone will notice I'm really pushing it? ha-ha. Thanx for reading :) 'Lobak' Soup - |
31 Mar 2007 by smallmoskito Nuffnang giving out PSPI signed up with Nuffnang Malaysia for about a month already and first they were giving out iPod. I have no exact fancy to an iPod considering I’ve my trusty w810i with me. Now they are offering PSP - which you ... / latest - [ More results from / latest ] |
1 Apr 2007 by lilian From my previous post, I received some doubtful comments whether local ads nuffnang do pay. Well, I seek the help of a teenage blogger who keeps a blogspot blog to verify this. If I show you my own blogs, you may not believe me because ... Make$ Money$ - - References [ More results from Make$ Money$ ] |
16 Mar 2007 by James Yeang Two Malaysian blog advertising networks Nuffnang, and Advertlets recently launched within a month of each other, and I just had the privilege of interviewing the founders of both projects. The main purpose of this interview would be to ... Friedbeef's Tech - - References |
22 Mar 2007 For Advertlets's or Nuffnang's WordPress publishers, it's important for you to add !is_preview() conditional tags around their given JavaScript code. This will prevent the advertisements code from initializing and appearing while you're ... Zeo - - References |
18 Mar 2007 by Jason If we, Malaysian bloggers, are relying on US blog advertising companies to earn that extra money, there shouldn’t be any reasons why we aren’t supporting our own Malaysia’s blog advertising company, Nuffnang. Moreover, Boss Stewie is a ... Jason Mumbles - - References |
24 Mar 2007 by Wingz I got an email from's marketing team yesterday and the content is as below :. Congratulations! An advertiser has chosen to advertise on The advertisement details are as follows. ... everibodi LAFU ROJAKS - |
I’ve been Nuffnang-ed
27 Feb 2007 by menj I saw the advertisement in Google Adsense and signed up for Nuffnang. I wondered who were the founders but it did not take me long to poke around and found out that this person is the "culprit". Its Boss Stewie himself! ... Critical Thoughts - |
One thing I have to clear up though (since a few people have asked me this before), everyone at the Nuffnang has excellent academic results, with even one of our programmers scoring a CGPA of 4.0/4.0. ...
An Entrepreneur I will be -
[ More results from An Entrepreneur I will be ]
April 5, 2007 at 9:07:00 AM EST
Guess Nuffnang is having the international appeal now! Good for them I guess!
April 16, 2007 at 6:10:00 AM EST
What a name. Nuffnang is a slang word for something less enlightening here in the UK. Good luck to those using it thought