V on Tiger Woods Hat is Victory Red Nike Golf Clubs Products...
5:59 PM Posted by Paris David
Read the amazing journey:
- Many sex partners
- Several abortions
- But only One Savior Visit the author page of Paula Neal Mooney on Amazon What's the V on Tiger Woods' hat?
That's what people are Googling up a storm right now, after watching Tiger Woods sport the V hat today.
Well, I had to Google it to in order to figure it out, and it turns out the "V" stands for "Victory Red", Tiger Woods' new line of Nike golf clubs and more.
I found some Victory Red irons like this Nike Victory Red TW Forged Blade Iron Set 3 - PW with Steel Shafts on Amazon.
I also found this cool Nike 68 Victory Red Auto Open Golf Umbrella on Amazon, which is a lot less pricey than an actually V club.
It'll keep you dry, but it won't prevent you from slicing!
Okay, I've only played putt-putt, but my husband plays golf.
Look here for any more Tiger Woods "V" Victory Red Golf Stuff:
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