Ashanti Master Cleanser Diet -- the lemon-juice-cayenne-pepper-maple-syrup fast -- She lost 8 pounds in 7 days, Beyonce lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks...
1:29 PM Posted by Paris David
Read the amazing journey:
- Many sex partners
- Several abortions
- But only One Savior
by Paula Neal Mooney
Ashanti said she used the Master Cleanser Diet Fast to lose 8 pounds in 7 days.
So now folks are all over the web talking about "Ashanti and Master Cleanser Diet Fast." (I guess Ashanti got on the lemon-pepper-syrup diet because all these people kept calling Ashati fat.)
Ever since Beyonce appeared last year on an Oprah show telling the world how Beyonce lost 20 pounds with a "Master Cleanser" diet fast, this diet has gone thru the roof.
Beyonce went on the 14-day fast -- a liquid diet, that included vegetables for her -- in order to slim down for Dreamgirls.
A while ago I wrote a post called Beyonce's Master Cleanser Diet Fast...Is it Safe? and so many readers responded with the same type of weight loss success that Beyonce and Ashanti had, that I still want to try the Master Cleanser Diet Fast.
The Lord helps me thru those 24-hour period fasts, and it's probably time for me to do another one.
But if you're planning on doing the Ashanti and Beyonce Master Cleanser Diet Fast, be cautious, be smart and read all you can about doing it safely.
And if you're a diabetic or have any other medical conditions, PLEASE see a doctor first before undertaking the Master Cleanser Diet Fast that Ashanti and Beyonce used -- or any diet cleanse program!
Bookmark or blogroll me at and drop back in some day to see what I'm up to next. Blessings and love, Paula
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